Municipality, provincial council, Xunta or central administration. How to promote the participation?

The Dirección Xeral de Xuventude, Participación and Voluntariado, from the Xunta de Galicia, call an anual grant named  Iniciativa Xove.

We, as an informal group, we submited a project proposal that was selected and financed, called “Facilitando a participación xuvenil.

Thanks to them, we could inform and raise awareness among young people in different districts of the city, about the importance of local participation, recruit future participants for the platform, and also we could build our Mobile APP.

The Oficina de Cooperación y Voluntariado (OCV), that depends from the Vicerreitoría de Internacionalización e Cooperación de la Universidade da Coruña (UDC), calls grants every year for the university staff, teachers and studentsects to promote actions connected to Global Education.

We, as a informal group of students, submit in 2018 a proposal of a project that was selected and financed, and was called: Simbiose, the accessible platform for volunteers.

Thanks to them, we could research about the needs of migrated population and refugees in the city, promote alternatives to the conventional ways of volunteering in the university camps and in another spaces connected to formal education, and execute raising awareness campaigns about the migrant and refugee people in A Coruña. The funding of our project made possible the construction of this wonderful website!