Project Participate!

Our first line of work is called ‘Participate!’ This project offers social and/or environmental attractive and diverse actions, always following 4 simple characteristics:

  • POINTS: Each activity is independent of the others. Your commitment to Symbiose ends once the action is over, but you can always come back to another action if you wish.
  • COLLECTIVE:  you will never be alone because each action has 3 participants minimum. The majority of the actions can also be done with your family or some friends if they wish to enroll too.
  • SHORT: every action lasts from 1 to 4 hours.
  • ACCESSIBLE: no requirements and no prior training is required, the actions are designed in a way that everyone can carry them out.

This is an innovative format in the territory, co-responsible and inspired by other similar networks already existing in other countries, such as  Empower Nantes, Amsterdam Care, etc.. It is mainly focused on citizen and youth participation, trying to create alternatives to conventional volunteering models.

Our aim is to bring new community learning experiences and foster participation in the local context, creating bridges between the population and the social and/or environmental organizations in our city.

Transparency - Annual reports